65 research outputs found

    Листи Г.П. Житецького: з епістолярної спадщини О.М. Лазаревського

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    В статье исследуются и публикуются письма филолога и украинского деятеля культуры И.П. Житецкого к известному историку и археографу А.М. Лазаревскому. Во вступительной статье, письмах и комментариях к ним сообщается о малоизвестных страницах жизни и деятельности представителей разных генераций украинских и российских деятелей культуры. Автор писем сообщает о подготовке и публикации научных работ, поисках источников, делится своими творческими планами. В письмах освещены события общественно-политической и культурной жизни Российской империи и Украины конца ХIХ и начала ХХ вв.The article contains the letters of I. Zhytetsky, a Ukrainian philologist and cultural worker, to A. Lazarevsky, a noted historian and archeographer. The Introduction, letters and comments cover little-known information about life and work of different Ukrainian and Russian cultural workers. The letters shed light on social, political and cultural life of the Russian Empire and Ukraine of late XIX – early XX centuries

    Using serological monitoring, internet-based feedback and on-farm auditing to improve Toxoplasma gondii control at Dutch pig farms

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a relevant foodborne pathogen due to its human disease burden. In the Netherlands, pork is estimated to contribute to 11% of the meatborne T. gondii infections. The European Food Safety Authority advised to perform serological testing of pigs and on farm audits on risk factors for T. gondii infection

    Programs for special classes for children with complex violations of the development of special educational institutions for visually impaired children. Labor training. Preparatory, grades 1-4

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    Метою трудового навчання є розвиток особистості зі складними вадами розвитку через залучення до різних видів доступної праці, засвоєння знань про властивості оброблюваних матеріалів, вивчення засобів праці, формування відповідального ставлення до вирішення трудових завдань і навчання безпеки праці. У процесі трудової діяльності з різноманітними предметами та матеріалами, змінюючи під час обробки їх форму, конфігурацію, розміри, величину, об’єм, вагу, поверхню, учні оволодівають прийомами і способами проведення обстежувальних дій, предметної і просторової орієнтації, збагачують власні уявлення про навколишню дійсність, знаходять особисто значущі для них об’єкти праці, тобто такі, що найкраще забезпечують реалізацію їхніх творчих можливостей. Мета і завдання предмета реалізуються на основі змісту кількох основних напрямків життєдіяльності: природа, людина, техніка, естетичне довкілля. За структурою програма складається з трьох колонок: зміст навчального матеріалу; навчальні досягнення учнів; спрямованість корекційно-розвивальної роботи.Целью трудового обучения является развитие личности со сложными нарушениями в развитии путем привлечения к различным видам доступного труда, усвоение знаний о свойствах обрабатываемых материалов, изучение средств труда, формирование ответственного отношения к решению трудовых задач и обучения безопасности труда. В процессе трудовой деятельности с различными предметами и материалами, изменяя при обработке их форму, конфигурацию, размеры, величину, объем, вес, поверхность, учащиеся овладевают приемами и способами проведения обследовательских действий, предметной и пространственной ориентации, обогащают собственные представления об окружающей действительности, находят лично значимые для них объекты труда, то есть такие, которые лучше всего обеспечивают реализацию их творческих возможностей. Цель и задачи предмета реализуются на основе содержания нескольких направлений жизнедеятельности: природа, человек, техника, эстетика окружающей среды. По структуре программа состоит из трех колонок: содержание учебного материала; учебные достижения учащихся; направленность коррекционно-развивающей работы.The purpose of labor training is the development of a person with complex defects through the involvement in various types of accessible labor, the acquisition of knowledge about the properties of processed materials, the study of means of labor, the formation of responsible attitude to solving labor problems and training in labor safety. In the process of work with various objects and materials, changing their shape, configuration, size, size, volume, weight, surface, and size, size, size, volume, weight, surface, students acquire techniques and methods of conducting exploratory actions, subject and spatial orientation, enriching their own ideas about the surrounding reality, find objects of labor that are personally meaningful to them, that is, those that best ensure the realization of their creative abilities. The purpose and tasks of the subject are realized on the basis of the content of several key areas of life: nature, man, technique, aesthetic environment. The structure of the program consists of three columns: the content of the training material; educational achievements of students; the direction of correction and development work

    Hepatitis E Virus in Pork Production Chain in Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain, 2010

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    open11siWe evaluated the prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in the pork production chain in Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain during 2010. A total of 337 fecal, liver, and meat samples from animals at slaughterhouses were tested for HEV by real-time quantitative PCR. Overall, HEV was higher in Italy (53%) and Spain (39%) than in Czech Republic (7.5%). HEV was detected most frequently in feces in Italy (41%) and Spain (39%) and in liver (5%) and meat (2.5%) in Czech Republic. Of 313 sausages sampled at processing and point of sale, HEV was detected only in Spain (6%). HEV sequencing confi rmed only g3 HEV strains. Indicator virus (porcine adenovirus) was ubiquitous in fecal samples and absent in liver samples and was detected in 1 slaughterhouse meat sample. At point of sale, we found porcine adenovirus in sausages (1%–2%). The possible dissemination of HEV and other fecal viruses through pork production demands containment measures.openI. Di Bartolo; M. Diez-Valcarce; P. Vasickova; P. Kralik; M. Hernandez; G. Angeloni; F. Ostanello; M. Bouwknegt; D. Rodríguez-Lázaro; I. Pavlik; F. M. RuggeriI. Di Bartolo; M. Diez-Valcarce; P. Vasickova; P. Kralik; M. Hernandez; G. Angeloni; F. Ostanello; M. Bouwknegt; D. Rodríguez-Lázaro; I. Pavlik; F. M. Rugger

    The course of hepatitis E virus infection in pigs after contact-infection and intravenous inoculation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Worldwide, hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 3 is observed in pigs and transmission to humans is implied. To be able to estimate public health risks from <it>e.g</it>. contact with pigs or consumption of pork products, the transmission routes and dynamics of infection should be identified. Hence, the course of HEV-infection in naturally infected pigs should be studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To resemble natural transmission, 24 HEV-susceptible pigs were infected either by one-to-one exposure to intravenously inoculated pigs (C1-pigs; n = 10), by one-to-one exposure to contact-infected pigs (C2-pigs: n = 7; C3-pigs: n = 5) or due to an unknown non-intravenous infection route (one C2-pig and one C3-pig). The course of HEV-infection for contact-infected pigs was characterized by: faecal HEV RNA excretion that started at day 7 (95% confidence interval: 5–10) postexposure and lasted 23 (19–28) days; viremia that started after 13 (8–17) days of faecal HEV RNA excretion and lasted 11 (8–13) days; antibody development that was detected after 13 (10–16) days of faecal HEV RNA excretion. The time until onset of faecal HEV RNA excretion and onset of viremia was significantly shorter for <it>iv</it>-pigs compared to contact-infected pigs, whereas the duration of faecal HEV RNA excretion was significantly longer. At 28 days postinfection HEV RNA was detected less frequently in organs of contact-infected pigs compared to <it>iv</it>-pigs. For contact-infected pigs, HEV RNA was detected in 20 of 39 muscle samples that were proxies for pork at retail and in 4 of 7 urine samples.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The course of infection differed between infection routes, suggesting that contact-infection could be a better model for natural transmission than <it>iv </it>inoculation. Urine and meat were identified as possible HEV-sources for pig-to-pig and pig-to-human HEV transmission.</p

    Farm biosecurity measures to prevent hepatitis E virus infection in finishing pigs on endemically infected pig farms

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) can be transmitted from pigs to humans and cause liver inflammation. Pigs are a major reservoir of HEV and most slaughter pigs show evidence of infection by presence of antibodies (ELISA) or viral RNA (PCR). Reducing the number of HEV infected pigs at slaughter would likely reduce human exposure, yet how this can be achieved, is unknown. We aimed to identify and quantify the effect of biosecurity measures to deliver HEV negative batches of pigs to slaughter. A case-control study was performed with Dutch pig farms selected based on results of multiple slaughter batches. Case farms delivered at least one PCR and ELISA negative batch to slaughter (PCR−ELISA−), indicating absence of HEV infection, and control farms had the highest proportion of PCR and/or ELISA positive batches (PCR+ELISA+), indicating high within-farm transmission. Data about biosecurity and housing were collected via a questionnaire and an audit. Variables were selected by regularization (LASSO regression) and ranked, based the frequency of variable selection. The odds ratios (OR) for the relation between case-control status and the highest ranked variables were determined via grouped logistic regression. Thirty-five case farms, with 10 to 60% PCR−ELISA− batches, and 38 control farms with on average 40% PCR+ELISA+ batches, were included. Rubber and steel floor material in fattening pens had the highest ranking and increased the odds of a PCR−ELISA− batch by 5.87 (95%CI 3.03–11.6) and 7.13 (95%CI 3.05–16.9) respectively. Cleaning pig driving boards weekly (OR 1.99 (95%CI 1.07–3.80)), and fly control with predatory flies (OR 4.52 (95%CI 1.59–13.5)) were protective, whereas a long fattening period was a risk. This study shows that cleaning and cleanability of floors and fomites and adequate fly control are measures to consider for HEV control in infected farms. Yet, intervention studies are needed to confirm the robustness of these outcomes

    Experimental and field investigations of exposure, replication and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in pigs in the Netherlands

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    In order to assess the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, transmission and reservoir development in swine, we combined results of an experimental and two observational studies. First, intranasal and intratracheal challenge of eight pigs did not result in infection, based on clinical signs and PCR on swab and lung tissue samples. Two serum samples returned a low positive result in virus neutralization, in line with findings in other infection experiments in pigs. Next, a retrospective observational study was performed in the Netherlands in the spring of 2020. Serum samples (N =417) obtained at slaughter from 17 farms located in a region with a high human case incidence in the first wave of the pandemic. Samples were tested with protein micro array, plaque reduction neutralization test and receptor-binding-domain ELISA. None of the serum samples was positive in all three assays, although six samples from one farm returned a low positive result in PRNT (titers 40-80). Therefore we conclude that serological evidence for large scale transmission was not observed. Finally, an outbreak of respiratory disease in pigs on one farm, coinciding with recent exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infected animal caretakers, was investigated. Tonsil swabs and paired serum samples were tested. No evidence for infection with SARS-CoV-2 was found. In conclusion, Although in both the experimental and the observational study few samples returned low antibody titer results in PRNT infection with SARS-CoV-2 was not confirmed. It was concluded that sporadic infections in the field cannot be excluded, but large-scale SARS-CoV-2 transmission among pigs is unlikely.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Potential environmental transmission routes of SARS-CoV-2 inside a large meat processing plant experiencing COVID-19 clusters

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    Worldwide exceptionally many COVID-19 clusters were observed in meat processing plants. Many contributing factors, promoting transmission, were suggested, including climate conditions in cooled production rooms favorable for environmental transmission but actual sampling studies are lacking. We aimed to assess SARS-CoV-2 contamination of air and surfaces to gain insight in potential environmental transmission in a large Dutch meat processing plant experiencing COVID-19 clusters. We performed SARS-CoV-2 screening of workers operating in cooled production rooms and intensive environmental sampling during a two-week study period in June 2020. Sampling of air (both stationary and personal), settling dust, ventilation systems, and sewage was performed. Swabs were collected from high-touch surfaces and workers’ hands. Screening of workers was done using oronasopharyngeal swabs. Samples were tested for presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA by RT-qPCR. Of the 76 (predominantly asymptomatic) workers tested, 27 (35.5%) were SARS-CoV-2 RNA positive with modest to low viral loads (Ct≥29.7). In total, 6 out of 203 surface swabs were positive (Ct ≥38), being swabs taken from communal touchscreens/handles. One of the 12 personal air samples and one of the 4 sewage samples were positive, RNA levels were low (Ct≥38). All other environmental samples tested negative. Although one-third of workers tested SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR positive, environmental contamination was limited. Hence widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via air and surfaces was considered unlikely within this plant at the time of investigation in the context of strict COVID-19 control measures in place